Bags containing filling equipment (for example filling needles) were opened by tearing the bag which presented a risk of introducing fibres to the equipment/line and subsequently the product.
The innermost bag containing the stopper track was damaged prior to loading into the filling line which presented a risk of fibres being transferred to stoppers and subsequently the product.
There was insufficient evidence documented to demonstrate that the number of aseptic connections after sterilisation had been minimised.
There is no sanitisation of hands after each individual garment is touched and put on.
Operators wore outdoor clothes under aseptic gowns in the Grade B zone.
Gowning procedures required operators to remove their shoes when entering grade D and C areas. The nature of the foot coverings used would not prevent microbial contamination passing from the operator’s feet onto the clean room floors.
In the main office of Block B manufacturing operators appeared to be allowed to wear flip flops, shoes with over-shoes or socks.
During gowning into the manufacturing area the bench was not sanitised prior to sitting on it.
While donning sterile gloves prior to entering a grade B area an operator was observed touching the outside of sterile gloves on several occasions.
Only the surfaces which are touched by the operator or are in contact with components on the compounder are sanitised before manufacture, rather than all surfaces as expected.
The hooks used for hanging bottles and bags were not cleaned appropriately as they were held together with the operator’s hand and sanitised as a group rather than individually to ensure that all surfaces are sanitised.
The wipes used for sanitisation did not appear to be wetted sufficiently as only the area in the centre appeared to be wet rather than the whole area to ensure effective surface coverage.
A gap between the hood and mask was seen for some operators resulting in exposed skin at the side of the face with the potential for product contamination especially when working in a LAF cabinet.
There are currently no drawings or diagrams which define the positioning of components in the laminar air flow (LAF) cabinet or isolators to ensure that unidirectional airflow is maintained.
Operators do not wear goggles even though compounding is conducted in an open LAF cabinet and ampoules may be used in the compounding process which is an open rather than a closed manipulation.
Sanitised rather than sterile googles were permitted to be worn in EU Grade B areas.
The sequence of installing the filling needles and connecting tubing did not minimise contamination risks; the sequence used resulted in contact between fingers of the restricted access barrier system (RABS) glove and the exposed tops of needles on several occasions.
The investigation into the media fill failure did not include a full chronology of events and did not include full details of all the corrective actions taken at each event. e.g. operator assessments, re-training of operators.
A sample of the contaminated bag was not kept and therefore the contaminating organism was not able to be identified to species level which would have aided any investigation.
The media fill batch size was 60 bags, however these were not labelled in the order of filling and therefore the position of the contaminated container could not be determined.
The media fill and process validation studies did not capture the full complexity of the aseptic manufacturing processes used and therefore did not closely imitate the production process and were not representative of worst case.